According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 28 people die in drunk-driving crashes every day in the United States. As Carrollton drunk driving accident lawyers, we see that as over 10,200 avoidable deaths every single year.
And those are just the deaths linked to driving under the influence of alcohol. Distracted driving — defined as any activity that diverts a driver’s attention from the task at hand, like texting, talking on the phone, eating, or programming a navigation system — was responsible for at least 3,142 deaths in 2019.
Any time you get behind the wheel, you and your loved ones could be at risk for injury, or even death, because of the actions of others. It’s a startling fact, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself from a drunk or distracted driver.
And that’s precisely what we’re discussing today. Here are a few of the top tips for protecting you and your family from drunk drivers or distracted drivers.
If you’ve recently been involved in an accident involving a drunk driver, contact the Carrollton drunk driving lawyers from The Law Offices of Tim O’Hare right away. The sooner you connect with us, the sooner we can start fighting for you and the compensation you deserve.

How to Identify a Drunk Driver or Distracted Driver
- Tailgating
- Swerving or zig-zagging across lanes
- Drifting between traffic lanes
- Driving on the centerline
- Hitting curbs or other objects adjacent to the road
- Driving excessively slow
- Exaggerating maneuvers like turns
- Stopping without reason
- Mixing up right and left turn signals
- Sudden starts or stops

What to Do if You Encounter a Drunk or Distracted Driver on the Road
- STEER CLEAR OF THE VEHICLE: Stay far away from the vehicle that is exhibiting the telltale signs of drunk or distracted driving. Keep a very large gap between you and the vehicle.
- STAY ALERT: Now is not the time to become a distracted driver yourself. While your attention may be on the erratic behavior of the offending vehicle, you must also stay alert and stay aware of other vehicles on the road.
- NOTE THE MAKE, MODEL AND LICENSE PLATE: If it's safe to do so, try to make a mental note of the make, model, and license plate number of the distracted or drunk driver's vehicle. You'll need as much identifying information as possible in the event you decide to call the authorities.
- PULL OVER AND CALL 911: Even if you're not sure that the driver is drunk or distracted, they could be experiencing some other crisis and require assistance. Don't be embarrassed to notify the authorities. Calling 911 when a vehicle shows signs of an intoxicated driver can save both the driver's life and the lives of others who might be driving nearby.
- KEEP YOUR SEATBELT BUCKLED: Sadly, accidents can sometimes be unavoidable. You'll want to make sure your seatbelt and the seatbelts of your passengers are securely buckled in the unfortunate event that a collision becomes inevitable.
- DON'T PASS THE VEHICLE: Passing the vehicle in question can put you and your passengers at risk of being involved in a potentially serious accident. Try to always maintain several car lengths (or more) from a drunk or distracted driver.
- DO NOT TRY TO STOP THE VEHICLE OR SIGNAL THE DRIVER : This is the job of the police, not vigilantes. Attempting to stop a vehicle that's behaving erratically is highly dangerous. Similarly, signaling to the vehicle's driver can both put you much too close to the drunk driver and cause an unnecessary distraction for the driver who is already driving dangerously.

Carrollton Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers' Tips on How to Protect Yourself from a Drunk or Distracted Driver
- KEEP SEVERAL CAR LENGTHS BETWEEN YOU AND THE VEHICLE YOU'RE FOLLOWING: Staying far enough behind the vehicles in front of you can give you enough time to react in the event that their behavior becomes dangerous. It's also a good habit to get into to avoid unnecessary collisions in the event of a vehicle braking suddenly.
- AVOID LATE-NIGHT DRIVING: Most drunk driving accidents occur later at night. Exercising extra caution during these times, or avoiding them altogether, can help protect you from drunk drivers.
- BE AWARE OF HAZARDOUS DRIVING SEASONS: Holidays and weekends can be especially dangerous, and the risk of encountering a drunk driver is much greater. Be sure to stay aware and drive defensively to avoid running into — literally and figuratively — a situation that can ruin your holiday.
- WATCH OUT FOR INTERSECTIONS: Both drunk and distracted drivers are prone to running red lights. For that reason, be sure always to keep your eyes peeled for dangerous drivers at intersections.
- ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT: Hopefully, by now, buckling up is second nature to you. But if you're still on the fence about the effectiveness of seatbelts in the event of a collision, just know that your seatbelt is your top defense against drunk and distracted drivers. Accidents happen, and you simply can't always see them coming. Seatbelts have been proven time and time again to reduce the likelihood of that accident becoming fatal.
- PRACTICE DEFENSIVE DRIVING: Contrary to popular belief, defensive driving is not aggressive driving. In fact, it's less of a driving style and more of a mindset. Drivers should maintain awareness at all times and drive under the assumption that all other drivers are intoxicated and pose a threat. Keep control of your vehicle's speed, and never assume a driver in your vicinity will behave the way you expect. In other words, always assume the worst about fellow drivers, prepare yourself mentally to react in a controlled manner should the worst happen, and drive accordingly.

What to Do if You're Involved in a Distracted or Drunk Driving Accident
Even with the right preparation, you may still find yourself the victim of a drunk driving accident or a distracted driving accident. If it happens, follow the same post-accident steps outlined in this article. One notable exception is that you should avoid interacting with the other vehicle’s driver if they are drunk.
Drunk drivers may be unreasonable and pose a threat to your safety even after a wreck. Drunk driving accident lawyers agree: it’s best to have the police assist with the usual exchange of information instead.
Be sure to call 911 just as soon as it is safe to do so. Important evidence, like testing the driver’s blood-alcohol level, can often be time-sensitive. It is essential to get the police involved as quickly as possible. They can not only help keep you safe from confrontation with the driver, but they will also gather the evidence you will need if you decide to seek damages.
While at the scene, observe and write down any signs or behaviors of the driver that may indicate he/she is intoxicated. Keep your findings, but share any valuable information you can with police officers when they arrive.
Call the Experienced Carrollton Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers
If a drunk or distracted driver has hit you, you have a good chance of receiving compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. You’ll need to work with Carrollton drunk driving accident lawyers who are experienced in handling drunk and distracted driving claims in Texas.
If you have been seriously injured or lost a family member in a drunk driving or distracted driving accident, contact The Law Offices of Tim O’Hare or fill out this form for a free online case evaluation.